Penutup Masa Putih Abu di SMAN 1 Bangli
So, USBN and UN are passed, on May 3rd 2018 was the time for us the seniors to see our UN results. To be honest I was not that excited to see mine and I also had promised myself to not look at the result :'v I planned that I will take a look on it when I am an officially mahasiswa. UN for me personally is not important anyway. On that day also was the graduation day of my school. This event actually experienced some contras, especially about the outfits. Some said the event would not be the luxurious one with special event-clothes, makeup, and hairdo. But in the end we all, the girls, wore those special event-clothes, makeup, and hairdo :v.
So, about my look, my Mama prepared for it. All of it, kebaya made by her, makeup by her, hairdo by her, sendal also were hers, ouh and the bag was too :). Anw, I'm 17 and still can't do makeup, who's with me? :) We even did a makeup-gladi before the day, the result was pretty good, i guess :'v
Woke up at 5 and Mama turned me to this
the makeup is fine, right? I didnt use any fake lashes ;'v
my theme was pink for sure
It was being told that the even would start at 9, but I arrived at school jam 9 lebih, yet no sign of the event being started :v. So many girls were coming later than me, I think the main reason was ofc makeup and hairdo. But it was all worth it everyone was beautiful yey.
The event was only sitting in aula : v. Nah, the main event was the penyerahan surah keterangan lulus, sbg pengganti ijazah sementara. We were all welcomed by the school's maskot dancing.
You know what, being in highschool for me was not that fun or not that cool, well it WAS my thought, but what I did feel in this event, God I lost my words. This event really woken me up. So many things had happened in here, I learned so many things, not only the formal subjects, but also the life-learning. I joined the English Debate Club which really improve my english and my critical thinking, I know I still need to improve them, but joining this club is something I won't ever regret even tho' I had to bolos pelajaran demi latihan, it was all payed off with the knowledge I got outside the class. I have an amazing team also, Indi, Harry, and Bila, thankyou for making me more full of knowledge about anything in this world. For Pak Dkam, our coach, he is a teacher full of ideas. I was always surprised how he could have a thought about some stuff which I had no idea about, also for my seniors Kakwahyu, Kakmarta, and Kakesa, they had accompanied us in the practicing and keep teaching us about this and that, I can't give anything but a thankyou.
Also, one of those is I've learned that everyone is not the same, I may or may not like some of my friends' characters, but again, it is something beyond my control, we're all different, at least i should control my own character rather than hating others'. This phase of life was really a something for me which words couldn't even describe. My class may not that solid-class as other, but I do believe we are all actually caring and loving eachother *ya gak? iya pokoknya gitu deh. I know I couldn't force everyone to get clicked with eachother, that's just how we were and I am still blessed bertemen sama mereka :).
Yang namanya rutinitas selama 3 tahun liat muke2 mereka and now it comes to an end, it will surely be missed.
Here are my 3-years-friends
Erika, she is my sontek-partner huahah
Wehaye, omg everyone was having a drama fight with her a long time ago wkwk, maap ya wehaye but if we play back that memory it is hilarious.
Wanda is the math gurl, kesayangan every math teachers.
Mirah is the most narsis person I have ever known, ini hape gue isinya poto dia doang nih. I like her confident personality. She is also having a very great leadership character.
this is ayusari, she is A GREAT SINGER but jarang banget denger dia nyanyi she is so talnted in drawing also
Di suatu kls bakal ada aj tipe yang diem dan polos2 ucul gmn gitu nah novi is that type :v but dont get her wrong polos2 gini dimuntahin rumus fisika ma dia mampus lu.
Putri Kwekkwek, knp kwek2? krn dulu pas smp dia punya geng yang bertiga muluuuuuuuuu jdi gue sm tmn2 yg lain manggil mereka trio kwek-kwek :V. Akhirnya esema pisah juga ya sama mereka put :v. Putri is the queen of biology parah lu tanya materi kingdom halaman brp tau dia :). Dulu kls 10 tiap ulangan duduk ma dia, dan ya anu gue tentunya anu mensotek dia dengan rendah hati.
Meet Ayukir, the kimia girl. Kls 12 gue duduk depannya dia dan u know what rajinnya nular :))) Gue yang biasanya jam matem bengong nontonin papan jadi ikut (sok) jawab soal. Bahkan pelajaran kimia pun gue mulai nyatat :). Jadi tips bwt elo yang di kelas hobinya nonton papan doang coba lu duduk depan tmn lu yang rajin, niscaya tertular sifatnya.
Risma, my everyday-going-to-everywhere partner. She had been my deskmate since kelas x. Gile 3 taun tiap hari dari berangkat sampek pulang skula, gonna miss her SO MUCH even tho ni anak nyebelin kadang. My futrure accountant sih ini, ni anak ekonomi nyasar ke kelas ipa :v. She is usually not confident with herself, kebalikan mirah pokoknya huahah.
ini aja gue paksa dia biar potoan sendiri
Ini chaca temen dari TK yang baru akrab pas esema huahah. Esde lumayan la pernah maen bareng but we weren't that close. And then ketemu di esema satu kelas pas MOS dan sekelas bnran di MIA 3 udh kyk kenal berthn2 *lah kan emng : v. Akhirnya melepas kawat gigi di thn 2018 *ini gakpenting sih. Gakjadi kuliah bareng ma ni anak, kita harus berpisah secara geografis :( but it's ok ini bukan jaman batu lagi dan kuota bukan barang langka, right?
you may or may not know this girl, gue udh pernah buat post ttg ni bocah satu. My forever partner in almost everything, smp dan esema bareng dan skrng kuliah puji Tuhan bisa bareng2 lagi bahkan di prodi yg sama :"))) she is my 3am diary, my anna, my lunalovegood, my katniss, my apalagi ya ah too much memories with her and gonna make more and more.
gurls <3.
boysz; yudis bayu dimas adit sade and dpunk.Kesian ya cwoknya dikit banget d kls gue but trust me kgak ada diskriminasi kok :V minus moyot, waja, and mangagus
duomath, iya wehaye math+chemistry girl
ini Papa dan Mama Matriks huahahah, dpunk is the ketua kelas jadi ya mereka Mama Papa kita, moga bareng2 terus yo
ini TEMAN TAPI MENIKAH SOON TO BE! ditunggu aja ya nanti 2025
SMA, they say you'll get your first butterflies in tummy in highschool, they say a cinta-monyet will happen in here, and yea, a love story coloured my 3 years in here. It was such a dramatic experience if I take a look at my love-journey wkwkaaa gross. But really, it was a big deal that time about almost-being-a-thing-with-him :v. Never did I expect that being with him could be a fact, I have learned soooo many things from him, both on academic and nonacademic. On academic ofc I thanked him for being my math, physic, and chemistry private teacher yang tersabar. On nonacademic, one of which is I have learned from him that I shall not regret the quality time with my loves, especially my family. On this graduation day and free-day, my mind was actually going crazy that I had to study for sbmptn, but he reminded me to enjoy this moment, this once in life moment. There are so many things I have got from him, and the one that is really correlated with my currently condition is the never regret the quality time with my loves. Oh I also love one of his principle
Kalo gak susah gak hidup namanya
I actually can't remember apa yang gue curhatin sampek dia ngomong gitu but it really is boosting my energy
He is my 24hours diary :V
oh ya bakal pisah secara geografis juga nieh ma ni anak hehe :v moga good things sllu di sisi kita yo ea, again kita udh kagak idup di jaman batu and kuota masih terjual bebas
itu bunga minjem wkwk :v
With Pak Sudaya the headmaster and Bu Sribudi our Mommy(wali kelas)
After the acara poto slese, smua cus pulang mandi cepet2 krn acara bebas jam 3 sore di skula. What is acara bebas aka free-day ini? so it's an event from us (angkatan51) for us also :v yang tentunya udh disetujuin Pak Kepsek buat bikin ginian di skula. We invited a dj gitu deh, joged2 (wlopun gue kagak joged krn dihantui buku2 di rumah). Basically ini acara utk kita happy bareng2, masuk bareng kluar bareng, rayainnya bareng dong ya kurang lebih begitu. The event was started with acara pelepasan balon spt inie. And the event was ended with acara nangis bareng. I literally was crying so hard. To face the fact that I am no longer only a bocah, also berpisah dgn bbrp temen, dan pacar :'v. Yaa for me it's ok to be sad wong namanya jg bareng berthn2 dan skrng start to walk on eachothers' pathes you think I was gonna be hela fine?:)
Ah 3 years of putih abu, it is finally ended with tears and some laughs, relieved feeling, scared feeling, everything is mixed up. But one thing for sure: lots of luck for all of you guys, God bless you, my prayers are with you, hlavya.
Photos were taken by Chaca's camera and Jenlaw's phone.
s/o to tante yuli, that simple but elegant makeup was gorgeous! And dont worry im almost 18 but i dont know how to apply makeups on ma face, u know me :"D and reading this gave me such a swing on my heart like at first aku senyum2 ndiri and then when it came to the end tiba-tiba sedih :( u did it <3 mangat ldr and tons of luck for ur new world in college, see ya there jenlaw my babeee!! <3333
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the compliment. I know I felt it too while writing this. Thankyou and see you<3
Deletesedang homesick and then gue tetiba inget ini blog. Pen nangis sumpah