46 years living in this crazy world // my midnight thought

Yesterday was her birthday and I wanted to give her at least something lah ya other than doa :v. The last time I gave her something was about 7 years ago I guess, I gave her a love letter that I put in her bag, dan isi suratnya ngikutin si Meimei (bener gak si namanya? :'v) yg ada di upin ipin, yang episode hari ibu kalo gak salah, yang isi suratnya ttg Ibunya yang terhebat dalam masak dll lah. Dan ya itu gue ikutin :'Vv. She was so happy si untunyanya. And this year I decided to give her a kinda love letter again for her as a birthday gift. Walopun gak bagus-bagus banget yang penting tulus heuheu.

Time keeps running
Our time in this world keeps decreasing
And I hate the fact that it is happening
Yet I love the fact that it is not happening,
for love.

I love pink because it is cute
I love my hair serum because it make my hair beautiful
I love my red liptint because it makes me look fresh 
I love my face powder because it's brighten my face
It's easy to find reason of loving thing which I love
But, I love her with no reason
Well, I love her because, she is my mother; an amazing woman whom I call "Mama"

She may not a successful veterinarian, like she should be
She chose to be a full-time-mother,
for her family, instead of her carrer
Becoming her to be a successful mother who has  taking care of her children with love

Happy 46 years living in this crazy world, Mama
All of your children love you, tho' sometimes make you stress hehe.

Iya udah gitu aja :v. At first, gue bingung mau naroh suratnya diamana, jadi pagi-pagi pas lagi tidur, gue masuk ke kamarnya, dan gue membutuhkan waktu sekitar 5,8 menit (gaktau si brp menit) utk memutuskan dimana letak yang paling mudah utk melihat kertasnya dan menimbulkan rasa penasaran utk membukanya, jadi gue memutuskan utk naroh suranya di sendalnya. Karna kalo baru bangun ya pasti otomatis bakal makek sendal. I'm pretty smart. 

Well, her reaction was beyond my expectation.  She hug me and said thankyou for the letter, she said shes proud of me, she said she was speechless and she was crying too. Dan ya gue panik :'v, jadi yauda gue peluk balik sambil tepuk-tepuk, "cupcup" :v. 

That was the first time I saw her crying because of being (beyond happy), and I'm also happy I could be the reason of her being happy *ea pede bgt. 

Gue nulis suratnya tengah malem, karna emang biasanya otak gue diseting utk aktif pada malem hari, dan paginya gue perbaiki lagi. So this is one of my midnight thought, my midnight thought is not forever about him lho (yaa walopun lbh sering ttg ini), tap ini salah satu buktinya :v.

 lagi dimekapin

 Happy bday, hlavya.


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