Being 15 is ok, welcoming my 16 time

Ok time flies yet im feeling im not ready to be a grown up. Every year on 25 oktober, my age changes. So does my knowledge, behavior, physic, and so on.

Now, I am in my teenage time, which means I am now entering my labil time of my life. Well im feelin grateful bcs I hv passed through my alay time(mungkin masih at least kadarnya berkurang hehe). Being labil is normal, but u still hv to control it. And this labil time is a time when u hv to learn about ur own self, how to control ur emotion, how to understand other people and learn to not be selfish. Honestly, ok its pretty hard. But as far as u try, u will be able to do it. Seenggaknya, u want to try.
Being in teenage time means having teenagers’ problem too. Like meeting so many type of friends. But ya the most kampret is the fake friends of course (read my previous post about fake friends). And a teenagers’ problem yang kampretus bgt. That makes u cant stop thinking about. Makes u salting dance. Makes u suddenly hving butterflies. And I must say, makes u want to become a lil bit more anggun than before. Entah knp gue gak bisa menolak hal2 tersebut utk tidak terjadi dlm diri gue. But I jst cant. and u know lah what “problem” I mean. ( read in here That is my friend’s post about this problem, one of my fav post so far bcs I was in that position he :V I WAS.

Selama gue menjalani kehidupan gue di usia 15, I have experienced many things, dan tentu saja gak bisa gue sebutin satusatu, jadi beberapanya yg gue pngn ketik  adalah:

1.     Brave is my second family
I know kita udh gak sekelas lagi, but seriously kangen banget. Til now,
I still cant move on from u guys.
Gue bener2 menikmati masa2 esempe gue, sampai gak sadar bahwa saat udh akrab2nya dgn kalian, terbitlah kata LULUS. The first thing yg muncul dlm pikiran gue saat hamper memasuki masa2 esema: “Bakal sekelas lagi gak ya sama mereka?”. Literraly. Ya saat ini untungnya masih ada anggota brave yg sekelas sama gue walopun gak semuanya jg. What a time. Gaada kata2 yg unik buat kalian, I jst wanna say, hoping could be together again with all of you, brv. Ouh, it doesn’t mean gue tidak menysukuri berada di MIA 3 aka Matriks. I love them, to be honest, eventho msh banyak masalah , berdrama queen, but it’s called highschool. I think wajar aja karna inilah proses menjadi MANUSIA yg sesungguhnya. And I believe one day when ur 22, ull smile remembering wht had happened in highschool.

2.     Facing kampret people
As I said before, being in teenage time means having teenagers’ problem. And not everyone is nice to us. They are nice, but MAYBE, they just don’t realize that some of their behavior are hurting me. BUT, I don’t blame them, I don’t blame what they have done to me. Im not saying  “what u’re doing to me is wrong, u have to change” No. I have learned that some people who treats us not that gud, is not gonna change until they realizing what they do is… not a gud thing. It will jst become a blsht for them if I give them an “advice”. Jadi itu hanya membuang-buang tenaga. Ok, theres no who is right and who is wrong in here, itu udh behavior mereka so mau gmn lagi :v. Ini ttg “kesadaran” diri sendiri si menurut gue. Mungkin, atau, pasti gue jg menjadi salah satu org kampret bagi siapapun, tapi gue enggk sadar. Dan yg hanya bisa menyingkiran sifat kampret tersebut adalah diri kita sendiri. Dari pada musingin bagaimana cara merubah mereka yg impossible to do, as the victim of this situation, its all about how you should act in this kinda situation.
Ø  In my previos post, gue curhat ttg org2 yg menilai fisik gue dan menjadikannya as a sarcasm. Oke, jujur gue gaksuka hal itu. I have got those sarcasms since esde. Dan sampek skrng jg masih. I have realized that they will not stop to do so bcs it is their behavior. And how could I blame them. I know gue curhat di post sebelumya yg menggambarkan gue marah dan sedih, itu karena gue jg punya batasan utk nahan semua itu. Dan itu cara gue act di situasi kampret ini. Karna itu buat gue legaaaaaa. Ademsari rasanya. Dan mungkin aja ada yg baca post tersebut and realize that they have done that thing, and did hurt me, perhaps they will get rid off that behavior. Astungkara.
Ø  Sabar, is the key to act in this situation. Make it as a ujian kesabaran bagi yg menjadi korbannya. Oke im one of the victim of not getting a gud friend. Sebelumnya, let us know what friend is.

a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

a person who supports a cause, organization, or country by giving financial or other help

a person who is not an enemy or opponent; an ally:

a familiar or helpful thing

people who are aware of how retarded you are and still manage to be seen in public with you. people who make you laugh till you pee your pants. people who cry for you when one of your special items disappear. when you dont have enough money to get a ice cream, they chip in. knows all of your internet passwords. who would never make you cry just to be mean.

A friend is someone you love and who loves you, someone you respect and who respects you, someone whom you trust and who trusts you. A friend is honest and makes you want to be honest, too. A friend is loyal.

A friend is someone who is happy to spend time with you doing absolutely nothing at all; someone who doesn't mind driving you on stupid errands, who will get up at midnight just because you want to go on an adventure, and who doesn’t have to talk to communicate with you.

A friend is someone who not only doesn't care if you're ugly or boring, but doesn't even think about it; someone who forgives you no matter what you do, and someone who tries to help you even when they don't know how. A friend is someone who tells you if you're being stupid, but who doesn't make you feel stupid.

A friend is someone who would sacrifice their life and happiness for you. A friend is someone who will come with you when you have to do boring things like watch bad recitals, go to stuffy parties, or wait in boring lobbies. You don't even think about who's talking or who's listening in a conversation with a friend.

A friend is someone for whom you're willing to change your opinions. A friend is someone you look forward to seeing and who looks forward to seeing you: someone you like so much, it doesn't matter if you share interests or traits. A friend is someone you like so much, you start to like the things they like.

A friend is a partner, not a leader or a follower.

Wao, so many definitions of friend. Yg mana yg bnr? Semua salah. Salah. Everyone has their perception about friend. Dan yg gue copas dari gugel tadi, gaada yg salah. Dan benar. Tapi yg gue suka yg kalimat terakhir. Itu mewakili semua definisi di atas. With a simple sentence, but a deep meaning. Jadi kalo ada geng2an dan si itu bos dan si ini babu, ya itu gak temenan bego. Dan sama halnya feelin like a boss aka always right, aka belagu. No no JK! Dan ya kebanyakan emng spesies cewek si yg begini. I have faced this kinda spesies, gregetan emng tapi apa yg gue lakukan? Gue cabut bulu keteknya satu per satu  Gue diam, sabar, dan senyum. Dan make it fun. Lucu aja kan ya :v. Mad? Uh no. again I don’t blame them!! Gue anggap hal ini sebagai hal utk mendewasakan diri? Sok bgt lu sempak baru jg 16 thn. Tapi ya itu bnr. Disini gue yg harus mengerti sifatnya yg emng begitu. Gue yg harus lbh sabar dan senyum lebih lebar. Kalau curhat ke org, pasti blgnya “just be honest to them, tell them u don’t like their behavior” disitulah letak kemunafikan sesorg. Bayangken itu bunuh diri namanya. Justru kitalah yg akan disalahkan karna sok menggurui sesorg. Spt yg gue blg sebelumnya itu hanya membuang2 tenaga dan perhaps menambah banyak masalah. Biarkan mereka begitu, kalo kuping lu udh panas dengernya, menjauh aja.

Ø  Doakan yg terbaik buat mereka. I still believe that one day they will realize about their own behavior yg menyakiti org lain. I am not perfect either. Bagi siapapun yg membaca ini and think I am a munafik person who says kampret to myself, yes I am. Mungkin gue belum sadar kalo ada sifat gue yg kampret bagi siapapun, I am sorry. (walopun gue blm tau apa itu).

3.     Malu dan gengsi
Fyi, I am a pemalu dan gengsian person dlm hal….. kimia di bhs Inggriskan. Yea. These bad behaviors give me bad impact too. And give bad impact to the person yg gue malukan dan gengsikan. So many salah paham timbul karna sifat kampret dlm diri gue ini. So far, I have tried to control it and the result is…… not so well. Sebagai pemilik sifat ini, gue tidak terlalu mengerti gmn hal ini tetap terjadi dlm diri gue. Dan saat mengetik ini (saat ini jg) I think it’s about confidence. Hal ini timbul karna pihak yg gue malukan dan gengsikan. Bukan. Itu hanya otak gue yg memanipulasi hal ini, dan memfitnah si pihak lain sebagai penyebabnya. Tho the problem is on me. Gue terlalu mengkhawatirkan hal2 yg tidak ada hubungannya dgn hasil kimia kita. Dan mengetik kata kimia merupakan hasil dari sifat kampret ini. See. I am not a agresif person in this thing. Gue bukan individu yg dpt mendahului utk melakukan sesuatu dlm kimia, tapi pihak lain yg harus mendahului.  

When u read this, the person yg gue malukan dan gengsikan, I know u hv enough of me,  to be honest it is hard for me knowing I am not that agresif-kind-of person, pardon me, but I have tried and I will try.

So itu aja yg bisa gue ketik. Karna topik terakhir ttg begitu, gue bingung mau gmn lanjutinnya karna gue malu.

ps: yes the last one is for u hiccup

pps: ini post gaada maksud nyindir siapapun:). Hlavya

Entering my 16 time from my beloved;

 thankyou my forever number 1

 thankyou matriks

 thankyou sayu for the onjoe fd


thankyou hicc for the onjoe unicorn 

Thank God Im still breathing
Knp baru post skrng? lebih baik skrng daripada tidak sama sekali.


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