From the title of this post, from the title which is capslock-ed, this is something that we often hear, yet being something that is a usual thing, but the fact is not.
We are living in Indonesia, in which the society 'mostly' make a standard to call or say someone is 'beautiful'. I have no idea who was the first one who made those standards which don't make any sense and totally bullshit. And how pathetic that those standards are still being used especially in girls' world, well I am not sure if it also happens in guys' world. Whether it is in the girls' world or guys' world it is still UGH FULL OF SHITS. Why are we making standard from physic conditions to say someone is beautiful? It is actually ok to have our own perception about saying someone is beautiful or not because it depends on our taste. BUT WHAT MATTER IS, when this thing becomes a way to insult someone(!) What are the standards? I think without me telling it y'all already knew the standards. Here I am just gonna talk about beauty standards that happens in girls' world because I think guys don't really care about this thing.
I think this is the very 1st thing that Indonesian girls should have to be called beautiful in the society. But as we know our skins, Indonesians skins are mostly tanned. And this dumb standard have made people stuck in a very narrow mindset. All girls who are having white skin are beautiful while all the girls who are not having white skin are ugly. That is the propose of this standard, right? To see beauty from skin colour. To make group between the pretty and the ugly. Seriously? :))))))))))))))).
The second one is by seeing the type of hair. Only girls who are having straight hair could be called beautiful. Only straight hair could be called 'nice hair'. Because of this standard, girls are using some method like rebonding and something like that. No offence, it is your right to do whatever you want with your hair. The thing is to people who are asking them(who have curly or wavy hair) to do straighten treatment. Kenapa kalian yg risih ngeliat apa yg bukan milik kalian? Why do you like to make people to be all the same? All girls should have straight hair? All girls should look same? "cobak aja rambut kamu lurus" why? agar terlihat sama? agar dibilang cantik? Those fckin words clearly means "you look ugly with curly/wavy hair" right?
"ih liat deh gemuk banget"
"badan udah kek apaan etdah gemuk banget" dan masih banyak penghinaan lainnya mengenai badan. In here, I'm not gonna talk fat in the healthy side, but in the beauty side. Many girls are competing to be the slim-est one. Well hey it is good for your health but you also should know the limitation. For girls who are being more confident to be thin than stay in fat body, it is good for you. The case in here is, girls are still insulting or bullying other girls because of their body. If I'm not wrong, this is called body shaming. Menghina sesama perempuan mengenai badan, sounds really pathetic for me. Saying every girls should be slim to be called beautiful. As long as the people(who are being told to slim their bodies) are confident and comfy with their bodies, kenapa repot2 nyuruh mereka berubah AGAR menjadi cantik(versi kalian)? Hwft. Ngasi saran utk kurus demi kesehatan boleh, tapi jgn sampek ngehina mereka dan ngata2in mereka.
I think those 3 are the top 3 of the standards. Di lingkungan gue si, 3 hal tersebut yg dirempongin cewek2 dan biasanya dijadikan 'goals'. Dan jg dijadikan bahan utk ngebully cewek lain. How are they? Bullshit right? Cmon girls, stop making our minds stuck in this narrow mindset about 'beauty'. I believe every girls are beautiful, not only because from the appearance, but from your heart. It does sound cliche, but I do agree with it. Utk cewek2 yg pengen mencapai hal2 tersebut, gak mslh si as long as ada biaya :V. And as long as you will be confident and feel comfy with what you decide to do.
Whether mutihin kulit, rebonding rambut, diet, dll. Tapi, jgn mau ngerubah diri agar bisa memenuhi standard cantik Indonesia yg bodoh ini. Dan buat para kampret2 yg suka ngeinsult org karena fisik mereka gak memenuhi standard cantik versi kalian, stop it. Try to accept people with who they are. Not every girls are born with white skin, straight hair and slim body. What is the point of insulting them because they don't look like you? Nothing. KAGAK ADA POINNYA. Kita emng punya cara sendiri dan sudut pandang yg beda2 utk blg org itu cantik apa nggak, but it doesn't mean that you could insult people whom you see not beautiful menurut versi elu.
Respect everyone with their choices and who they are.
Segitu aja dari gue ttg kebullshitan yg terjadi di dunia para cewek, jgn mau nerusin standard2 bodoh atau membuat standard2 baru.
ps: ini post gaada maksud nyindir siapapun:). Bhy, Hlavya.
Whether mutihin kulit, rebonding rambut, diet, dll. Tapi, jgn mau ngerubah diri agar bisa memenuhi standard cantik Indonesia yg bodoh ini. Dan buat para kampret2 yg suka ngeinsult org karena fisik mereka gak memenuhi standard cantik versi kalian, stop it. Try to accept people with who they are. Not every girls are born with white skin, straight hair and slim body. What is the point of insulting them because they don't look like you? Nothing. KAGAK ADA POINNYA. Kita emng punya cara sendiri dan sudut pandang yg beda2 utk blg org itu cantik apa nggak, but it doesn't mean that you could insult people whom you see not beautiful menurut versi elu.
Respect everyone with their choices and who they are.
Segitu aja dari gue ttg kebullshitan yg terjadi di dunia para cewek, jgn mau nerusin standard2 bodoh atau membuat standard2 baru.
ps: ini post gaada maksud nyindir siapapun:). Bhy, Hlavya.
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