(not my) Types of Guys

As human, as teenager, as a 16-year-old human, we have standard for someone to be with us. Or maybe we do have types of guys that we like, but it is not a standard for being our boyfriend. Ya every girl has their own way. It is normal to have types in liking guys, just like types on liking movies. But those standard are not always work to get her. Bcs who would know that you gonna like him, or him, or him, right? So I did ask some of my friends in my class, about types of guys that they like. I will be numbering from the most liked type.

1.     BAIK
Oke baik stayed at the top place :v. who doesn’t want to get org baik. I think baik is the based to get a girl yey. But this means a lot too. Everyone still have their own perception on looking the kadar baik dlm cowok.
2.     TINGGI
I laugh so hard with this I cant. Girls, why you give boys a tall standard to be your boyfriend? Lu kira mau main rollercoaster? :”””))))). But its ok its ok, karna faktanya emng gitu. I think, girls need someone who can protect her, so they prefer tall guys in being their boyfriend. I think, girls feel safe with tall guys. OR. Girls get ilfeel with short guys. Like strolling in the mall with a short guy and feel like you are walking with your little brother. The point is, girls want guy who is taller than them at least.
3.     HUMORIS
Waoo really nais type. I kinda agree with this one. Every girls want a guy who could make them laugh. And a guy who is not act cool but then look like a robot. Hell no. boys, I think you don’t have to maksain ngelucu, you still have to be yourself. If they think you are not funny, or you think yourself is not funny, find the other. Find who gonna accept you. Find who gonna laugh together with you hais. Some of guys maybe are cool (memang dari sononya) and kinda misterius. But I believe there are some girls who have that type. Ah sok tau lu ras sempak kudanil.
4.     GANTENG
Wadaw. For this one, gue gak terlalu bisa ngejelasinnya, karna ini hanya opini. Once again, every girls have their own perception on seeing which guy is ganteng. Jadi ya gmn ya :V. ya gitu deh. Tanya aja langsung ke ceweknya ganteng versi dia ntu gmn.
5.     PINTER
This one also makes me laugh. Again, girls, mereka ini nyari pacar bukan nyari sekolah paporit :””””””))))). Nah JK. Pinter is not always seen from their marks at class. But it could be seen from their attitude. Like the way they talk to girls, the way they treat his loved ones, dll. Menurut gue, pinter disini berarti pinter dalam menggunakan otak mereka. Contohnya jg gak main fisik ke cowok lain apalagi ke cewek. PATHETIC. Sometimes, gak kadang si tapi selalu, gue heran sama cowok yg awalnya cmn saling main mata sama cowok lain terus ujung2nya pada tonjok2an. Like, can you just solve your problem by talking arguments to argumenst not just using your physics. Ouh and IS IT EVEN A PROBLEM? TO BE SOLVED? Cmn saling liat2an godddd use your brain well(!!!!!). hmmm stupid generation.

6.     RAJIN
? :”))))))) i.just.cant. hmm rajin? Oke nais choice, it is good for having rajin boy, it could give you the good impact right? Especially for cewek malas (spt gue). But I think nowdays this type of guy is rarely to be found :v. dan tetap cewek yg mendominasi menjadi makhluk yg paling rajin yey (bukan gue bukan gue).

Nah this is also important to be remembered, boys :v. Pengertian wadooo apa artinya? Ya ngertiin aja sendiri.
See. Entah knp cewek hobi banget buat otak cowok sariawan. Bcs they want to be understood without saying anything. Doesn’t make sense? Yap. Ya emng gitu, ada saatnya cewek bakal menjadi kampret se kampret kampretnya. But I think not everygirls are like that. Ya tapi kebanyakan gitu pokoknya(!) that’s why you have to be pengertian, ya :v. Dan buat para cewek, ya lu jgn terus2an menindas para cowok lah. Mungkin kalo sekali2 lagi pngen damanjain gitu ya serah lu. Tapi kalo tiap ada masalah lebih mengutamakan gengsi mulu, ya you know what will happen. Sumpah ini sok tau banget. Tai kampret anj.

8.     SABAR
Ini masih ada hubungannya dgn yg no 16, yg pengertian. Kalo ngadepin cewek, ya gak cewek doang si, segala hal, harus tetap dalam jiwa sabar. Nih point buat para cowok ye, do not yell at girl. Iyaiya (sebagian besar) cewek emng cerewet iya, iya kuping lu udh panas dnger ocehannya iya, tapi jgn dibentak. DON’T YOU DARE. Iya dia bakal tutup mulut tapi bakal ada sesuatu mengalir dari mata dan hidungnya. Bukan, bukan tai yg mengalir. Daripada lu bentak mending lu peluk aja wkwk :v. I bet its gonna work. and pat pat her.

9.     LEBIH TUA
Memang, mostly girls like guys who are older than them. Dan I think alsannya sama spt yg bagian tinggi tadi. Masih soal utk mendapatkan perlindungan. But, there are some girls too yg hobi ngoleksi brondong :”VVVV. Ya mungkin menurut mereka yg lebih muda lebih imut. Padahal si enggak huehe.

Tadi gue sempet bingung sama maksud dari sadar diri ini, setelah gue tanya, mksdnya adalah sadar akan apa yg harus mereka jauhkan dan tidak lakukan. Contoh utamanya, tidak merokok. To be honest I really hate perokok. Ya kalo mereka merokok di tempat yg udh disediain si serah dia, lah tapi yg gaktau diri ngerokok di sebelah anak kecil misalnya, hwft. Please, stop. Sebagian besar cewek jg gaksuka sama perokok. Mau itu cewek atau cowok. Gue salah satunya(!)

One word for the last type of guys; FAK. Speechless ah. Gue jg gak terlalu suka si liat cowok berewokan. I did ask why they don’t like berewokan guy, bcs it gives an old look. Dan ya emng kalo brewokan bakal terlihat tua. Kalo soa kumis tipis? hmm mungkin di mata bebrapa cewek bakal terlihat sexy(?) anjeng gue aja geli ngetiknya. kampreeeet cowok? sexy? wew lol. takapa kalo ada yg kriterianya kek gini :v.

Jadi itu hasil tipe2 cowok dari temen2 gue. Tidak, I posted this post not as ways to get a girlfriend, ini cmn pendapat dan opini aja. Dan gue jg penasaran, one day when they are 20, apa tipe cowok mereka bakal tetep gitu? Are they gonna get a boyfriend exactly as their types? Mungkin pikiran gue emng kejauhan ya tapi ini jg cmn penasaran doang. Ya gue doain kalian bakal berjodoh sesuai dgn kriteria kalian astungkara amin :v. jgn dianggap serius ya, once again ini cmn opini BEBERAPA CEWEK, jgn mengkotak2an kalo semua cewek kek yg gue ketik di atas. Terutama mengenai fisik. Bukan berarti kalian yg fisiknya bertolak belakang dgn yg gue ketik di atas,  brarti kalian gak bakal dpt pacar enggak. Tenang para cowok tenang. Tapi gue sangat menekankan pada bagian attitude, itu penting sebagai syarat wajib menjadi pacar. wkwk

Terimakasih atas pendapat dan opininya teman2 gue yg cantik: sayu, arini, yuni, putri, wanda, mirah dan chaca.

Segitu aja, Bhy Hlavya.

ps: my types of guys? u.


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