Tri Kaya Parisudha

Tri Kaya Parisudha is a thought about the truth in Hindu. Tri Kaya  Parisudha is originated from the motto of dharma which said “paropakaran punya ya, papaya, para piadanam” which means that Tri Kaya Parisudha is built from three words, Tri means three, Kaya means behavior, and Parisudha means holy, so that Tri Kaya Parisudha means three holy behaviors.

 In this time, we usually found people with noble character, therefore we have to improve the teaching of kindness to everyone. We know that Tri Kaya Parisudha is three holy behaviors, we can use this thought as an orientation in learning the meaning of kindness in order to achieve Moksa, the goal of Hindu.

 Tri Kaya Parisudha has three parts, Kayika Parisudha means good beahavior, Wacika Parisudha means good words, and Manacika Parisudha means good thinking.

 With good thinking, there’ll be good words, with good words, there’ll be good behavior. Tri Kaya Parisudha as a part of ethical teaching in Hindu will give the way to peace. Kaya, Wak and Mana are mainly known as Tri Kaya, which can not be separated. Kaya, Wak and Mana have to be directed to the good thing because only human can change the bad behavior to good behavior.

 If we do bad thing, bad impact will come to us, obversely if we do good thing, the good impact will come to us, as the motto said
Ala ulah ala tinemu” : bad behavior gives bad impact

“Ayu pikardi ayu pinanggih”: good behavior gives good impact.

Yaa skali2 ngpos yg bermanfaat dikit blh dong ya :v wlopun cmn segitu :'v


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