Exploring Jogja 2018 // Exploring the Earth
Halo, when I was a senior high school student, I was looking for universities which provided psychology department. Ofc, the state university was my priority due to the tuition, but I knew the war in SBMPTN, the national test for getting in state university in Indonesia. So, my plan other than studying was also looking for private university. Private university opens the registration way earlier than the state university, so for a senior high schooler who was not confident with her ability, yes I enrolled in one of state university, Sanata Dharma, located in Jogja. I didn't have any issue of being far away from home, at least I could get into psychology, wherever it was.
There was a socialisation from my school about college stuff, in the end of the event, my teacher gave an information about an alumnus from my school who studies psychology in Sanata Dharma. The university opened an enrolment by selecting the student from the student's achievement; grade report, without much thought, I went to the school's counselling room for doing the enrolment. On 14 of February, I got accepted in there.
Moving on the 3rd of June, I went to Jogja with my Mother only to do the registration. We took this going-to-Jogja as a vacation hehe, even it was only for 3 days. So, that's the background of why I went to Jogja, let's start with my the first day in Jogja:
1. Flew with Air Asia, stayed in Ibis Malioboro Hotel because it's so close with Malioboro and what surprised me was the hotel literally next to a mall.
After strolling and taking pictures, we sat on a bench and ate sate ayam with the view of night in Malioboro. There were so many benches.

pictures are must.

When we were enjoying ourselves, an old man approached us, he is a becak's rider promoted himself to take us around the city with becak. He said the cost was 10K rupiah, worth to try. Our very first time in a becak.

so creative, right?

2. 4.6.18 second day of Jogja. Woke up at 6, got ready for going to Sanata Dharma University. We used Grab Car, of course compared to conventional taxi, it is way cheaper. Anyway, I had a really great stomach problem. Went to the toilet again and again. I think it was because of the hot chicken I ate last night. Huh.

On our way to Sanata Dharma University, we witnessed a demo. Becak motor are actually prohibited in there, as you can see the safety is not fulfilling the standard, for example it has no rearview mirror
The ticket for the local is 40K rupiah (adult).

SO FRESH and hot

After feeling bored by that place, nah kidding, after walking around the Light Forest (the Grab's driver called that place Lampion) we went back to hotel and had supper in the mall.

the reason why I wore glasess: sleepy eyes:).
Next route:
The ticket is 2K for the locals, Karaton is the palace of the Kesultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (basically the king). This tourism object is a great idea for those who want to get valuable vacation :v. There'll be a tour guide who will explain everything in there. Sadly, we couldn't get the explanation about Karaton since we had a very limited time, needed to go to the airport on time. So, we only strolled and captured pictures without understanding a thing :').

picts were taken by my camera and our phones
There was a door that exactly connected the hotel with the mall, too bad I can't remember the name of the mall. Fyi, I had been to Jogja for 2 times so I wasn't really strange with Jogja's vibes, but it was my Mother's first time of being in Jogja. On that very first day in Jogja, we had a walk in Malioboro. Malioboro is a must for those who travel in Jogja, make sure to have a walk at 4 pm at least;). I love how the souvenirs in there are so "Jogja".
these called becak, a traditional transportation used like pedaling a bike. In there becak only used as tourism transportation not as public transportation, well that's what one of the rider said.
After strolling and taking pictures, we sat on a bench and ate sate ayam with the view of night in Malioboro. There were so many benches.
pictures are must.
sate |
dokar |
10K rupiah for a trip to:
- Jogger, a shop of shirts and sandals
- Rumah Batik, a shop of Batik clothes
- Bakpia bakery, ah I have no idea what the bakery is called. It sells local snacks and the famous of all is bakpia
- Alun-alun, it is basically a park. At night, there'll be colourful kind of cars with decoration at the top shaped everything like hello kitty, unicorn, and many more with karaoke in them, we have to pedal it (like riding a bike) for around 20K rupiah if I'm not mistaken. There's also a tree which is believed if you can pass around the tree with closed eyes successfully, you'll soon get your true love. Nope, I didn't try it XD.
- A small local shop of clothes, bags, and sandals.
Here are some pictures of the places
it sells batik too
so creative, right?
I didn't take pictures of all the places since I wasn't feeling well, duh the cold-night air hugged me and I hadn't had a supper.
I thought it was going to be a short trip but it wasn't. We were taken back to Malioboro, when we asked for the price he said he was ok with any price. God bless him.
We were going to the mall to have supper and there was a traditional music performance.
On our way to Sanata Dharma University, we witnessed a demo. Becak motor are actually prohibited in there, as you can see the safety is not fulfilling the standard, for example it has no rearview mirror
My first impression of this campus was "wow". It is so clean, well that is a rare area in Indonesia hehe.
my mother forced me to capture me a picture in front of it hadeh, I started to love this university. The service was really professional. There I was given the university's alma mater, taken a picture of me to be used in the student's card, and given the information of the student's orientation. They said there would be no "perploncoan" or stupidity as most university does every year, I was getting more excited to be part of that university. But oh well, I got accepted in the state university :'). I will be fine, right?
Then we went to Ambarukmo Mall. It was around 9 so the mall wasn't crowded.
After strolling in the mall, we were about to go to Candi Prambanan, while waiting for the Grab Car, we sat in front of the mall, there were some benches, it was also so windy. Anyway, yes I still wore my formal clothes :). Hot damn.
"lolos sbm gak ya" :) |
the candi's stones were used by the local people in there to build houses, now the experts whom I don't know what they're called do work on building them again, like finishing puzzle.
After spending the afternoon in Candi Prambanan, our next route was
Still by Grab Car, we rent the driver until the next day, again, cheaper. It's a package: for today Candi Prambanan and Light Forest, for the next day Candi Borobudur, Karaton, and airport. It costed 350K rupiah, believe me it is way cheaper than renting a car.
The ticket of the light forest is 15K rupiah. The place has so many lamp shaped everything. It's good for taking pictures but we were too exhausted to take many good pictures.
The only visitors that time were my Mother and I :"). Well, there were some visitors but not that much, so it felt there were only my Mother and I.
Indonesia's Presidents
Pak Jokowi, our President
Indonesia's Presidents
there's a building like this, I don't know what it is ._.
you'll find so many stalls in there
and so many cats
an ew face, anyway my pictures in here are getting more shabby right :v . Oh ya, I FINALLY got my dream bag, I bought it in Ambarukmo mall, a belt bag from Stadivarius. I already had a belt bag from my boyfriend but it can't be used anymore :(. Also I wore the hotel's sandals, my foots needed to breath.
3. 5.6.18 3rd day aka the last day in Jogja :(. Woke up at 5 am because we had a plan to go to Candi Borobudur, people in there told us to go to Candi Borobudur at 4 am to see the sunrise in there and it's too early for us :'v. We decided to go in there at 6 am. I had gone to Candi Borobudur twice when I was a student in junior and high school, but I went in there at the afternoon, really hot so I couldn't enjoy myself in there that time.
For the price in Candi Borobudur, I think it's around 40K rupiah (locals) like in Candi Prambanan
Arrived at 7, omg it was SO FRESH. I think the best time to go to tourism object is in the morning.
my Mother and the Grab's driver, we asked him to come inside for taking pictures of both of us :v.
it is pretty high, make sure to bring a drink (with your own drinking bottle) because you can't bring any drink and food.
thanks to the security in there for making those picts
just like in Candi Prambanan, out from Candi Borobudur you'll meet so many stalls selling souvenir and snacks and drinks
That's all about my little journey in Jogja, I WILL FOR SURE visit Jogja again, I love how nice the people in there.
Hope this post will give you an image of Jogja. Sorry if this post looks more like my personal album haha, will do better;).
Bhy, hlavya.
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