Theater Got Us Lyke.... // Jayaprana dan Layonsari
Halo, on kelas 11, I, I mean we (murid smanichi aka SMA 1 Bangli) got theater as the material learning of seni budaya. Last year on kelas 10, we got seni tari, and for me it was pretty killin. I am not that person who has dancing as their hobby, so you can guess how is my dancing skill :). And then we entered kelas 11 and wow theater. The first thing that pop in my mind about theater was, of course; acting. Doing dramatic talking and dramatic stuffs are not so me. I don't like those stuffs, really. Fortunately on the 1st semester we just learnt about the theory of theater first. We learnt about how to make theater and stuffs, which gave me relief, well for not a long time of course. The next 6 months, was the time for the (real) theater. We still studied about the theory, but we also need to prepare our theater. My class was divided into 2 groups only, it made us easier to choose the member and to give every person a character of the theater. So yes every person got a chance to be showed and acting and do dramatic things. My group decided to use Jayaprana and Layonsari story as our theater show. And guess what, I was the main character, I was Layonsari :)))))))). I WAS!! :). Ouh ya also, every group had to have a director to lead the group. The director controlled the group, including on choosing the character for every person. I was in surprise when I was chose to be the main character, to be Layonsari, tbh i was pretty depressed :).
At first I had no idea what this Jayaprana dan Layonsari story about, so it is about a young gud lookin man called Jayaprana, who was an abdi Raja of Raja Kalianget. Raja Kalianget made him to choose one of the dayang in the palace to be his wife because he thought it was the right time for Jayaprana to get a wife (wow it was very kind of him wasn't it). But he refused to choose one of them and wanted to search his love one by himself. And yes he met her, it was love at the first sight. It was for Layonsari. Who knew when Jayaprana and Layonsari faced Raja Kalianget to bless them, Raja Kalianget fell in love with Layonsari (well actually it was only his passion). Raja Kalianget made plans to kill Jayaprana. When the plan finally worked, Raja Kalianget visited Layonsari and forced her to become his wife. (Ouh actually Raja Kalianget already had a wife, what a dckhead). Of course Layonsari refused it, and she killed herself in front of Raja Kalianget. And the end, it is like Romeo and Juliet actually. Well I know I'm such a bad storrytelling sorry. That is what I know about the story.
We would have our show on May 18, so we started practicing about 3 weeks before the due time. The practice went... not really serious I must say. It was (so) hard to have every member to be in the practice. The serious practice happened when waktunya udah kepepet.
it wasn't the perfect practice, not all of the members got a time to practice, so we ended up bought es dungdung yey. There was also a hut Bangli event, so food everywehere yas.
After getting our stomach full enough, we went to watch the one of the show(part of the event) which was I have no idea what it was called mwehe
Mirah was so excited seeing the children,
here are the children
Went back to Mangdian's house, we played ayunan (well it was actually only Adit and I who played it)
I couldn't call it a practicing day, but it was pretty fun. See, our group wasn't taking this task really serious wkwk, we just yknow, chill about it and pasrah.
And these are some pictures of our 'serious' practice. Fyi, it was H-2 to our show and this was our first ever practice with the whole members.
I may look ok at those picts but seriously you have no idea how scared and stress I was, thinking that the next 2 days would be the time, not to forget that I was the Layonsari :)
The boys were playing futbal
uu what we got here? a shampoo model?
a jeans model?
kinda prewedding picts, how cute
The day before the 'day', we decorated the school's hall to be our stage. Pusingnya omg. It was sooo rempong. We were all (not all of us actually) stayed at school from 3pm-9pm :"). Decorated a stage with about 28 people (satu kelas), got all of us crazyh.
well at the beginning, it went well, because only the boys worked, while the girls, laying around like gembel and some of them tried to entertain themselves, like Chaca in those picts.
Didn't last for a long time when yea the drama came and made the situation became dramatic. Debating this and that, yelling at him at her, hey that is a normal issue of group-working, especially in exhausted and stress condition.
Wahyuni as the other group's director
And Mirah was my group's director
With some arguments, fights, we still could enjoy that moment.
despite the drama that had happened, still could laughing
tadaa, yes thats meh
And the next day... Jeng jeng jeng jeng...
We did our makeup and hairdo at sanggar capungmas and we were all pretty and fine, including the boys.
introducing you, Layonsari :).
dagang nasi
juru masak
Because I was in the 2nd gropup so I had to wait til the 1st group had done their show.
our teacher
their opening
They also gave a singing and dancing performance and it was so guwd, they are all gud dancers and Ayusari has such a lovely voice
and the end. Their actings were amazing and they are so creative. Not to forget that I think they prepared their show really well (I guess by watching their performance)
While waiting for our turn, captured some picts of us ;
Meet Jayaprana
Jayaprana and Raja Kalianget
and waiting
so pretty
our opening
dayang-dayang were gossiping about Layonsari
nikahan wkwk lol
and this is when Jayaprana had his wrong line
"Kematian ada di tangan Raja" -Jayaprana 2107.
God I was trying so HARD not to laugh that time :).
"Suamiku tewas dirampok?!" Oh no, I didin't look like im sad and i didn't cry at all :).
then I killed myself
and the end.
Well, our show went ok :"). Tho' Jayaprana had made a mistake by saying a wrong line.
Our performance may seemed so cheesy, but hey, persetan :). Nahh, at least we enjoyed it :) After the show, photo time.
bersama bundaaa
Putri is the best artis among us
Mirah was wearing wedges its unfairrrrr
the sky was beautiful
He was always busy with his clothes (karna melorot terus)
After taking photos, we went back to sanggar capungmas to return the clothes, then we went back to school ofc to clean up the hall, at night yass :).
What a day and I believe it will be a memory one time.
So many distractions right? I felt it too😒 And Geez that es dungdung got me like missing our afterschool walk😩 And ure all pretty cute💋😍
ReplyDeleteyappp :")). I do miss buying es dundung after schollll. Thankyou :'v