Fake Friend(s) a.k.a KAMPRET

Hello, its been such a long time I don’t post anything in here. Cause I had things to do in the second semester of my first year, debate, school tasks, tired bcs sekolah siang. Killin me. and I was “sick” that time. So I didn’t hv time to touch my blog. But now, I’ve entered my second year, and yes finally sekolah pagi. So I hv more time to spend in my lovely kasur, if theres no task to be done. Bcs im still in first semester so the task not so killin.

In this post, I want to share something. A casual problem that might be.. not might be but ‘must’ be happening or must be felt by semua cewek2 di masa labil. This thing is rarely happens in boys’ world. Bcs cowok merupakan maklhuk yg memiliki tingkat bodoamat 99,9%.  Sisanya mereka cmn mentingin rambut mereka. Udah gitu doang yg bikin mereka rempong abis. Not like girls. Cewek, semuanyaaaaa dibikin rempong as hell. Hair stuff, face stuff, nail stuff, even decide which clothes yg bakal dipakek udh membuang ¼ jam berharga kita. And so.. friends.

Friends are like diary berjalan for us(cewek). We share eachothers’ secrets, problems, and someone we get crush with. Support eachother, giving advices, and stand for us. Unfortunately, not all friend could be called ‘friend’. They seem like friend but actually they are not. This is a casual problem and realize it or not, we all have at least one. Or maybe, we are one of them(?) *ups. First, let us know what is “fake friend(s)”.

Fake friend(s) are, makhluk2 kampret yg patut kita sate dgn seksama, yg sebenernya iri with what we have or what we’ve done or what we’ve achieved, but they show their iri with very wrong way, like
-making gossip which is untrue(jarang terjadi si kecuali di sinetron)
-menyebar luaskan our secrets
- say bad thing about us at our backs(ini merupakan syarat wajib utk menjadi fake friend)
-making us feel bad about ourselves, for ex lu main gitar dpn dia atau lu gambar sesuatu dan muka si kampret ini pasti bakal menunjukan raut wajah kyk nahan boker berminggu2, dan biasanya utk memperjelas bahwa mereka iri, mereka bakal melontarkan kalimat yg bikin ngedown. Dan utk para cewek2, model rambut baru lu bisa memperlihatkan muke asli para kampret. Misal mereka mentertawakan rambut lu. Secuil tawa bisa ngebuat down parah. Atau mungkin lu mencoba make kawat gigi dan ad yg bilng lu tambah cupu dgn raut wajah yg gue bilng tadi, udah sate aja udah : ). The point is that they are trying to make us feel bad about ourselves.
-always try to find the bad thing about us about what we’ve done. Ini beda tipis sma yg di atas. Fake friend, they always try to find the bad thing of us. Of what we have done or achieved. Missal ya, ini umum banget, lu dapet nilai gede pas ulangan, dan si kampret yg lu anggap temen, nilainya jelekan dripda lu, nah mulai dah dia menunjukan wajah2 yg sumpah pengen gue ngengekin, dan dia bakal mencari kesalahan kita. Karna dia memiliki presepsi bahwa gurunya salah meriksa hasil ulangan kita. Kurang bangs- maksudnya kurang baik apa cobak ya bela2in meriksa hasil ulangan kita : ). Dan kalau kampretnya kelewatan, mereka bakal melontarkan kalimat2 andalan mereka utk menunjukan bahwa mereka iri dan tidak terima kalau kita di atas mereka. Iya mungkin kalian tau sendiri lah kalimat2 yg gue maksud. Kalo gaktau, bersyukurlah temen kalian ternyata enggk kampret.
-abusing you. Yg namanya klo udh ngemanfaatin lu gitu aj, a hundred persen fake friend. Tau sendiri lah yg namanya ngemanfaatin tu gmn a.k.a nyari saat ad maunya aj. Tipe2 yg begini si lagi populer banget di pasaran.

Those are beberapa kriteria menjadi fake friend kalo menurut gue. How pathetic si showing iri dgn ngebuat org lain terluka*asek wkwk. Iri emng manusiawi, everyone ever gets jelly, I do get jelly. Jealousy is a problem. It depends on how you get rid of it. But do we have to hurt other bcs of our problem? : (.

If you want of them, I beg you to stop doing that.

I mean dude, get a life(!)

Being a fake friend is not gonna fix your problem.

If you one of the victim, pray the best for them. Make some space between you and them. Or if you want or cant get enough of them, tell them. Atau kalo udh kelewatan dan parah banget, deketin dia, teriakin di kupingnya “KAMPRET LO!”. Itu ampuh, bwt bikin tauran.

If you still confused either your friend is fake or not, bego lo.

If i have ever been one of them, im sorry. 

Here is some differences between the real or fake one. By The girls’ secret handbook.

Girls, always rempong. Temen pun ada jenisnya.

Ps: Ini post gaada maksud nyindir siapa pun :). Hlavya


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