Masa Putih Biru // SMP 1 Bangli
untuk kls B(BRAVE) "SMP 1 Bangli"
We laugh together
Being happy together
Being gesrek together
Being sad together
Being naughty together
Being gembel together
Loving each other
Caring each other
Helping each other
From stargers
Became best friends
And always..
In a Hello
There will be a
We had known this day
will come
The day that we have to separate
The day that happiness and sadness are mixed up
Happy cause we have completed our school
Sad cause we have to say goodbye
3 years were passed
We have done our best
I’m so lucky having gesrek friends like you
I will never forget the memories we have made
You’re all amazing
maafkan bahasa inggris gue yg hancur :v yaudasii intinya selalu sayang kalian semua. kls B BRAVE alias BrV. maaf ya klo ada salah,apalagi org nyebelin kyk gue uuh banyak bgt keslahan gue, always remember I will forever hlavyo. Thankyoufortheseamazingyears.
Time flies,but memories last forever.
-kls 8.takenbyphonecamera
-kls 9,acara buat mading. takenbymycamera
-kls 9,ultah Pak Suparsa our luvly wali kls 9b. takenbymycamera
-kls 9,studytour. takenbyharry,indy,larascameras
-kls 9,drama bhs Bali. takenbymycamera
-kls 9,Saraswati. takenbyphonecamera
-kls 9, acara iseng2an habis un. takenbyharry,larascameras
-kls 9, Perpisahan. takenbyharry,larascameras